
10 articles
Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones Review

Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones Review

Paranormal Activity 3 and 4 were not the greatest. The latter was really bad in how it handled the franchise’s continuity and it seemed to indicate that Paramount was forcing out annual releases to milk the series and run it into the ground.

Needless to say, we were very worried when a spinoff was announced dubbed The Marked Ones that would focus on Latino characters and debut in the same year as the next core franchise installment. Against all odds, the movie was actually pretty good and it added the most interesting bits to the series lore, opening the series up to some very interesting story elements to be explored down the road.


Paranormal Activity 3 and 4 were not the greatest. The latter was really bad in how it handled the franchise's continuity and it seemed to indicate that Paramount was forcing out annual releases to milk the series and run it into the ground. Needless to say, we were very worried when a spinoff was announced dubbed The Marked Ones that would focus on Latino characters and debut in the same year as the next core franchise installment. Against all odds, the movie was actually pretty good and it added the most interesting bits to the series lore, opening the series up to some very interesting story elements to be explored down the road. The first 20-30 minutes of Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones are plain 'ol fun. It's a family doing what family would do after a member graduates from school. There's a party, drinking, dancing, then we get to see a few days of 'normal' life - Real people doing good people things. It's smile-inducing, especially with lead characters Hector and Jesse being all about the jokes. After that, we get hints of the crazy but unlike the other films it's not all about the jump scares. In fact, there are less scares than all of the other movies but that doesn't mean the second half of the film isn't creepy. Because it is, and it's largely successful thanks to the believable characters and some interesting set pieces. The problem with the film is that  killed my attachment to the characters as soon as they started exploring and making stupid decisions - not decisions that dumb people make, decisions NO ONE would ever make ever. That ruined what I needed from the film to pull me into the supernatural elements. Luckily, they did enough fun stuff and had quite a few cool moments to keep me on the edge of my seat. The film's second half was largely built around ideas for these big moments and set pieces instead of a story or journey that made complete sense. Still, the characters were more interesting and entertaining than in the last few films and they did very smart things with the lore and franchise thanks to an epic twist at the end which successfully got me excited about the brand again - something the last two did the opposite of. If you've seen the last four or dig found footage films, I'd recommend seeing this one in theaters with a friend. Cuz you'll have a lot to talk about when it's over. This one again had a big impact on the audience.

Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones



The Marked Ones is not only funny, but contains an epic twist that makes the franchise exciting once again.

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Luther Series 3 Review

Yesterday I realized I hadn't watched the latest few episodes of the incredible BBC series, Luther starring (and produced by) lovable movie star Idris Elba as DCI John Luther. It aired earlier this year as four episodes and I marathon'd it entirely yesterday. As expect, it was great and the cast are as good as ever, with only one weak spot. The only other gripes of note come from some of the overly convenient storytelling the seeps in in the latter half of the third series. There's always a major arc in each season of Luther that plays throughout each series in the background, and in this one we're back to Luther being investigated for being a dirty cop and committing a few murders. The investigators blackmail Luther's partner DS Justin Ripley to wear a wire and help them gather evidence. The man leading this charge however, is completely contradictory to everything he claims to stand for and its frustrating at times watching what he says and does in his efforts to take down Luther. In the end, loyalty prevails and just as it does and all is rainbows and happiness, the most interesting antagonist yet, introduced in episode three, takes a very dark and inexplicable turn. That character plays into the final episode as well and serves to tie up seemingly all of the loose ends. It was too convenient and they wasted the potential of a character that could continue to shake things up for investigators. Still, Luther is strong and Ruth Wilson's Alice Morgan makes an epic return before the end of the series. The only sad part is that the writer and Idris Elba don't believe there will be a fourth series and that's the the real crime for the show, for fans anyway. They are confident in the idea of making a Luther movie and if they're going to, we can only hope it happens soon.

Luther Series 3

Cast & Characters
Idris Elba


The third and final series of Luther is as strong as ever but the storytelling gets a little to convenient in the second half.

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Yesterday I realized I hadn’t watched the latest few episodes of the incredible BBC series, Luther starring (and produced by) lovable movie star Idris Elba as DCI John Luther. It aired earlier this year as four episodes and I marathon’d it entirely yesterday.

As expect, it was great and the cast are as good as ever, with only one weak spot. The only other gripes of note come from some of the overly convenient storytelling the seeps in in the latter half of the third series.


Man of Tai Chi Review

Man of Tai Chi Review

After a problematic and lengthy production, Keanu Reeves' 47 Ronin finally hits theaters this month. Earlier this year though, the star of The Matrix trilogy directed his first feature film - another Asian-set action piece involving martial arts titled Man of Tai Chi. It's now available on home video where I watched it for the first time on Blu-ray. The trailers teased a film focused on hard-hitting and intimate fight sequences, with a little Keanu "woah" one-liners sprinkled all over, and that's exactly what I got. Man of Tai Chi follows mostly ordinary man Chen Lin-Hu (Tiger Hu Chen). He visits his parents regularly, doesn't have much money and works a day job as a delivery boy. I say mostly ordinary because Chen is also the last trainee mastering the art of Tai Chi and that catches the eye of Keanu Reeves' super rich Donaka Mark who heads up an underground reality TV-esque fighting circuit. Chen takes advantage of the opportunity to earn some cash and save his master's temple before things go from bad to worse, as he increasingly loses control against each new opponent. The action sequences are awesome, brutal and they never get repetitive. Even Keanu jumps in on one and holds his own, even this long after his Matrix days. Throw in a special appearance from The Raid: Redemption star Iko Uwais and Keanu does a wonderful job of keeping viewers entertained. The story however, and a few of the performances and characters, are over-the-top and stereotypical. They don't kill the movie, but they prevent it from being anything more than a string of action sequences. Keanu somehow managed to hurt the film with his dialogue, almost parodying himself. If you're a fan of Reeves, it's totally passable and if not, it's going to be problematic whenever people are not physically fighting on screen. Man of Tai Chi is definitely worth picking up for fans of fight choreography. It's raw and authentic and it makes me want to see Keanu Reeves more action films.

Man of Tai Chi

Fight Sequences


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After a problematic and lengthy production, Keanu Reeves’ 47 Ronin finally hits theaters this month. Earlier this year though, the star of The Matrix trilogy directed his first feature film – another Asian-set action piece involving martial arts titled Man of Tai Chi.

It’s now available on home video where I watched it for the first time on Blu-ray. The trailers teased a film focused on hard-hitting and intimate fight sequences, with a little Keanu “woah” one-liners sprinkled all over, and that’s exactly what I got.


Les Miserables is Worth The Trip Downtown

Les Miserables is Worth The Trip Downtown

I grew up with a little Les Mis in my life thanks to my mom who’s a long-time fan of the live show. In fact, her and I saw the Hugh Jackman & Anne Hathaway film together on the big screen last year, but even with the adaptation’s unique approach in having actors perform live on set, it doesn’t quite compare to seeing the actual production live.


I grew up with a little Les Mis in my life thanks to my mom who's a long-time fan of the live show. In fact, her and I saw the Hugh Jackman & Anne Hathaway film together on the big screen last year, but even with the adaptation's unique approach in having actors perform live on set, it doesn't quite compare to seeing the actual production live. A long trek to and from the Princess of Wales Theatre in downtown Toronto through the area's first real snowfall of the year was made worth it for Cameron Mackintosh’s slightly updated take on Les Miserables which is celebrating its 25th anniversary. The production just got a six-week extension in Toronto as it continues to earn critical acclaim and sold out shows. Tonight we discovered why. The production isn't much different than it was years ago. If you've seen the movie, the aesthetic, set designs and costumes are shockingly similar. It's not a bad thing, and it actually helped having the movie relatively fresh in mind to better understand the faster-paced and more dynamic live show. For this evening's performance, local leading man Ramin Karimloo wasn't playing Jean Valjean, instead replaced by understudy Aaron Walpole, a Canadian Idol finalist from London, Ontario. Walpole, a heavier set man, doesn't look like your traditional prisoner-becomes-noble Valjean, but his voice and performance spoke for itself as the commanding lead. The themes and plot of Les Mis are inherently depressing but Thénardier and Mme Thénardier earned big laughs from the enthusiastic audience to break up the tension and emotional fatigue. Big applauses for the rest of the cast, notably Earl Carpenter's Javert, helped keep the show lively as well. The set designs, ensemble performances, vocal talents and interesting use of backgrounds help make Les Mis worthy of a return trip to Victor Hugo's take on 1800s France.

Les Miserables

Production Values
Overall Performance


A live show worth the price of admission.

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‘Now You See Me’ Review

‘Now You See Me’ Review

Louis Leterrier's Now You See Me tells the story of four illusionists seemingly brought together for a great purpose, one surrounded in magic and mysticism. At least, that's what the first act of the film and marketing will tell you. Instead, the film sort of follows four people, with their quasi-leader Jesse Eisenberg playing an unlikable dick, James Franco's younger brother getting one worthy action sequence near the end, Woody Harrelson getting a few smiles and Isla Fisher getting to wear gloves and show cleavage. Throw in an angry Mark Ruffalo and a pair of subplots - one that disappears and another that comes together with a nonsensical twist - and we have a movie that's not only poorly constructed, but fails in the basics of giving viewers interesting and engaging magic tricks to follow along with and have explained. Instead, the non-magical parts of the film look incredibly fake, whether it be unnecessary CG effects or over-the-top chase sequences, leaving no room for the magic... to be magical. Now You See Me is as confusing as it is disappointing and its greatest illusion was tricking people into seeing it in theaters to earn $300 million+ and a sequel.

Now You See Me

Film Quality
Story & Characters


Now You See Me's greatest illusion was tricking people into seeing it in theaters

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Louis Leterrier’s Now You See Me tells the story of four illusionists seemingly brought together for a great purpose, one surrounded in magic and mysticism. At least, that’s what the first act of the film and marketing will tell you.

Instead, the film sort of follows four people, with their quasi-leader Jesse Eisenberg playing an unlikable dick, James Franco’s younger brother getting one worthy action sequence near the end, Woody Harrelson getting a few smiles and Isla Fisher getting to wear gloves and show cleavage.


  • L to R: Elijah, Hayley, Marcel, Klaus, Rebekah

The Originals Premiere Review

I've had to defend myself repeatedly for it on the Screen Rant Underground podcast in the past but I think they get it now - I've been watching The Vampire Diaries since it first aired. Yes, every episode. Why? Because Ian Somerhalder was in it and looked good as a vampire. I convinced Ana (my fiance) that that cute guy from Lost and a few episodes of Smallville had a new show, so we watched, and even though the first episode was a bit campy and teen-focused, it quickly found the right tone and at the time - was the right fix for the mess that was the Twilight movies and the wasted opportunity that was HBO's True Blood. Five years later and some of the best supporting characters to join The Vampire Diaries cast have earned their own spinoff, titled The Originals, and even though I didn't know it at the time, my favorite episode of last season 4 of TVD - perhaps even my fave of the series - was actually a backdoor pilot for The Originals. It was entirely set in New Orleans and focused on the original hybrid (half werewolf, half vampire), Klaus, and his always-loyal brother Elijah. That episode, while great, is pretty much the same as what the first episode of The Originals is. Elements of the backdoor pilot are put into context with a different perspective on the events of Klaus being drawn to New Orleans, a city he and his siblings once ruled. L to R: Elijah, Hayley, Marcel, Klaus, Rebekah For those who didn't see that backdoor pilot, and even those who never watched an episode of TVD, episode 1 serves as a adequate introduction to the craziness that is the original family, flashbacks to their origins and all. For the fans, there's enough new material, and a few key reveals, to setup the first season. Too much exposition though, but they understandably had to force in a lot. The story boils down to a battle for "power" between Klaus (who wants it) and his old buddy Marcel (who currently has it). Marcel somehow has not only pushed the werewolves out of New Orleans, but has found a way to control the witches of the area as well, banning them from using magic. This has piqued Klaus' interest (and jealously) and it's up to good brother Elijah to control him and have him help the witches who hold hostage the mother of Klaus' child. Except, once again, Klaus turns on Elijah and can't be trusted. How long these story threads can hold over a 24-episode, we don't know. Will the show remain in New Orleans or will we see lots of crossovers with the TVD cast who arguably could use the help of the most likable supporting characters?  

The Originals

Episode Quality
Series Potential


The Originals proves to have potential as the worthy spinoff of The Vampire Diaries.

User Rating: Be the first one !

I’ve had to defend myself repeatedly for it on the Screen Rant Underground podcast in the past but I think they get it now – I’ve been watching The Vampire Diaries since it first aired. Yes, every episode. Why? Because Ian Somerhalder was in it and looked good as a vampire. I convinced Ana (my fiance) that that cute guy from Lost and a few episodes of Smallville had a new show, so we watched, and even though the first episode was a bit campy and teen-focused, it quickly found the right tone and at the time – was the right fix for the mess that was the Twilight movies and the wasted opportunity that was HBO’s True Blood.


Gravity Review

Gravity Review

If you have any interest in powerful films, space, or a general appreciation for things that are awesome, Gravity as an absolute must-see in theaters. I cannot even begin to understand how director Alfonso Cuarón shot and crafted this film, it's that unique and impressive. Gravity tells the tale of the the 3-person crew of the NASA space shuttle Explorer when a specific event creates a dangerous situation in space for the film's two leads, played to perfection by Sandra Bullock and George Clooney. In a combination of visual spectacle, intense drama, and an epic tale of the human spirit, Gravity is one of the most impressive films crafted in recent years and if any motion picture earns the must-see-in-theaters-and-in-3D badge, this is it. Words cannot explain how incredible Gravity is, and despite a few minor gripes regarding character decisions, the sheer brilliance of Gravity outweighs and and overshadows and negative critics could pick out with a microscope. Expect Cuarón and the film to earn a pile of Oscar nominations. Gravity, more than any other film ever to hit the silver screen, successfully emulates the feeling of being outside of Earth's atmosphere the the studio and crew have managed the earn the premium price tag of the 3D ticket price. Gravity, without a doubt, makes the best of 3D, ever in a feature film.

Alfonso Cuarón's Gravity

Theatrical Experience


A must-see 3D visual spectacle like none other.

User Rating: 4.75 ( 1 votes)

If you have any interest in powerful films, space, or a general appreciation for things that are awesome, Gravity as an absolute must-see in theaters. I cannot even begin to understand how director Alfonso Cuarón shot and crafted this film, it’s that unique and impressive.


Breaking Bad Series Finale

Not many people followed Breaking Bad in its first years on air and it wasn't until nearly halfway through the series when the media and online community picked up on AMC's hit show starring Bryan Cranston and Aaron Paul. The story began when Walter White, a down on his luck high school science teacher, was diagnosed with cancer and needed money to pay for his treatment and the future of his family. And where it ends marks the conclusion of one of the most exciting character journeys ever put on television. Without the needed insurance or funds, White took to cooking meth with the help of an old druggie student of his - the best meth thanks to his elite science skills - and over the years became the drug lord known as Heisenberg, addicted to power as much as his customers were addicted to his signature blue meth. From the top there's only way to go and in the show's fifth and final season, poor old Walter had to pay the ultimate price for "breaking bad" as he gradually loses his family, friends and future. The series finale of Breaking Bad succeeds in every way possible, not only bidding farewell in the final episodes to all of the show's core and supporting characters (the ones still alive, anyway), but by concluding their story arcs in a way that remains faithful to series' established rules and years of character development. No threads are left hanging as Breaking Bad's grand finale ties up loose ends and clearly lays out the future for the remaining characters. It's the perfect and momentous ending to an wonderful and well-paced story, one that's a must-watch for any TV viewer.

Breaking Bad Series Finale

Episode Quality
Series Conclusion


Breaking Bad gets the exciting and well-crafted conclusion it deserves.

User Rating: 4.8 ( 1 votes)

Not many people followed Breaking Bad in its first years on air and it wasn’t until nearly halfway through the series when the media and online community picked up on AMC’s hit show starring Bryan Cranston and Aaron Paul. The story began when Walter White, a down on his luck high school science teacher, was diagnosed with cancer and needed money to pay for his treatment and the future of his family. And where it ends marks the conclusion of one of the most exciting character journeys ever put on television.


Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Premiere

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Premiere

After helping direct The Avengers towards becoming one of the most commercially successful theatrical releases of all-time, Joss Whedon went from being the underdog geeks love (thanks to Buffy, Firefly, etc.) to an A-List Hollywood director. And with that success came expectations for Marvel Studios and Disney to sign him to helm a sequel. Not only did Whedon sign to write and direct The Avengers 2, later dropping the number in favor of the Age of Ultron subtitle, but Marvel put him in a position of power where he would help coordinate and oversee the entire next phase of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and gave him his own series on ABC. That show is titled Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and to no surprise it earned a full season order, beginning its run this week. The pilot episode of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. sees the return of Agent Phil Coulson (Clark Gregg) after seemingly being "killed off" during the events of The Avengers. Since the story takes place later and within the same shared universe of the films, how Coulson is still alive is a mystery, one that's not explained in the episode. While there are many theories as to how Coulson lives, thanks to a mysterious conversation Maria Hill (Cobie Smulders) has with another SHIELD agent, we know the explanation is not simply that Coulson survived the violent attack by Loki. There's something they're not telling Coulson (or the audience) and we don't know what or why. Instead, that mystery serves as a hook for what we can presume will be the entirety of the first season of the show, arguably a needed one (albeit frustrating) since the introduction of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. fails to offer many memorable moments. The episode sees Coulson form a secret team consisting of a psychologically damaged veteran, two childish genius scientists, and a seemingly emotionless field agent, rounded out by a hacker/blogger. Their first task is to deal with a super-powered individual who's down on his luck and using his ability to get by while gradually losing control and becoming unstable. To its credit, the plot and characters involved tie into the cinematic universe, but much is left shrouded in mystery due to the fact that the status of Coulson's role in SHIELD and the organization itself isn't clearly explained. The cast of Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. With the timing of the series release and concept of the show, we expect the background elements of the story may rely on events yet to be seen in the films, specifically Captain America: The Winter Soldier - a movie where S.H.I.E.L.D. is crippled. The promise of a series that weaves in and around the events of the larger cinematic universe is an exciting and ambitious one, but one that needs many episodes to justify itself. As a standalone episode, the pilot of Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. is as harmless as it is generic ABC television. Whedon and the writing duo of his brother and brother's wife have proven themselves with ensembles and really need to make…

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Premiere

Episode Quality
Season Potential
Fun Factor


The Agents of SHIELD premiere is harmless fun but forgettable.

User Rating: 1.9 ( 1 votes)

After helping direct The Avengers towards becoming one of the most commercially successful theatrical releases of all-time, Joss Whedon went from being the underdog geeks love (thanks to Buffy, Firefly, etc.) to an A-List Hollywood director. And with that success came expectations for Marvel Studios and Disney to sign him to helm a sequel.

Not only did Whedon sign to write and direct The Avengers 2, later dropping the number in favor of the Age of Ultron subtitle, but Marvel put him in a position of power where he would help coordinate and oversee the entire next phase of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and gave him his own series on ABC. That show is titled Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and to no surprise it earned a full season order, beginning its run this week.


Dexter Series Finale

Dexter Series Finale

A show I've been watching for eight years came to end last night and I made sure to watch it this morning before heading to the airport. Sadly, it was rather underwhelming. Perhaps it was the lack of sleep or concern that I was leaving in hours to another country and hadn't packed... or those things coupled with the fact I was writing this article for Screen Rant at the same time. The series finale of Dexter wasn't bad, it just didn't hit me with the intensity of previous episodes... All of the (remaining) characters on the show made an appearance, but some of them didn't get a real send-off. It felt more like a season finale potentially leaving the door open for another season rather than the true end of the show. There was a big twist, there were a few key deaths, but there was also some strange decision-making on the part of the titular character which I find make him a little less likable. It wasn't a happy ending, but the way it played out didn't make me too upset either. It's a shame it's all over though since Dexter has for a long time been Showtime's key program, and for viewers, one of the best parts of any given summer television schedule. Eight years, gone like that. Who's going to take care of those evil people in Miami now? After seeing the entire cast onstage at Comic-Con this summer giving a more emotional farewell than the actual show ever could, I can't complain. It's been a long and wild journey. Hopefully, Michael C. Hall's joke onstage about returning when they make a show about his son Harrison one day comes true. I think that would work.

Dexter Series Finale

Episode Quality
Series Conclusion


The series finale of Dexter confuses as much as it disappoints.

User Rating: 0.9 ( 1 votes)

A show I’ve been watching for eight years came to end last night and I made sure to watch it this morning before heading to the airport. Sadly, it was rather underwhelming.

Perhaps it was the lack of sleep or concern that I was leaving in hours to another country and hadn’t packed… or those things coupled with the fact I was writing this article for Screen Rant at the same time. The series finale of Dexter wasn’t bad, it just didn’t hit me with the intensity of previous episodes…
