
12 articles

Oculus Rift DK2: My Doorway Into The Matrix

For those who know me and enjoy video games and tech, you’ve probably heard me talk about how the Oculus Rift virtual reality headset blew me away at E3 2012 when I tested it briefly with the space sim EVE-VR (now known as EVE: Valkyrie).


Meet Boomer: The Ultimate Pet Dinosaur

Want a dog but aren’t up for the responsibilities of taking them outside, feeding and cleaning them? Want something old school but at the same time, very modern? Get a robot dinosaur!


Drones To Protect Endangered Animals

Poachers are assholes, killing rare animals and putting beautiful creatures on the path to extinction. These killers perform their illegal acts often at night, outside of plain sight, hiding in the shadows away from patrolling jeeps. So, how do you stop them? Call up Skynet!


PS4 vs. Xbox One – Which Is Better?

PS4 vs. Xbox One – Which Is Better?

A week or two has past since Sony’s PlayStation 4 and Microsoft’s Xbox One hit the market. Both saw strong sales around the hype of the next-generation consoles finally reaching store shelves after a lengthy life cycle of their predecessors. Both sold over a million units on their launch days, respectively. Both however, are also disappointing.


Amazon Prime Drones

Normally this video would be written off as an April Fool’s joke but it debuted on December 1st. Amazon is actually developing – and already has working – unmanned light aircraft that will quickly deliver parcels to Amazon Prime customers.


Is Facebook on The Decline?

Is Facebook on The Decline?

I remember in second year university when a friend who moved from the U.S. showed me Facebook which, at the time, was a smaller website dedicated to student bodies. It was simple and not many people knew about it, but that changed quickly and drastically in the following years, much like the growth of YouTube.


Not A Fan of (Robot) Cats

If it weren’t as loud as a lawnmower this four-legged, headless robotic demon, dubbed the “WildCat,” would be terrifying.
