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14 articles
PS4 vs. Xbox One – Which Is Better?

PS4 vs. Xbox One – Which Is Better?

A week or two has past since Sony’s PlayStation 4 and Microsoft’s Xbox One hit the market. Both saw strong sales around the hype of the next-generation consoles finally reaching store shelves after a lengthy life cycle of their predecessors. Both sold over a million units on their launch days, respectively. Both however, are also disappointing.


Captain America: The Winter Soldier Poster & Trailer

Captain America: The Winter Soldier Poster & Trailer

For Marvel movie fans it’s Thor overload time, with our set visit embargoes lifting a few weeks ago, the press junket taking place last week (we were invited!) and it opening in theaters across the UK next week.

But as one movie opens, there’s always another right around the corner from Marvel Studios and the official marketing push for Captain America: The Winter Soldier begins now with this new poster featuring the shield and backside of Steve Rogers (Chris Evans) in his new Cap duds.


4 Rules To Make Star Wars Great Again

The “frontier” part may not totally make sense but the video is 100% correct about the dirty ships and aesthetic. I’ve been saying as much and writing it on Screen Rant for years. Grime up them ships!

Breaking Bad Series Finale

Not many people followed Breaking Bad in its first years on air and it wasn't until nearly halfway through the series when the media and online community picked up on AMC's hit show starring Bryan Cranston and Aaron Paul. The story began when Walter White, a down on his luck high school science teacher, was diagnosed with cancer and needed money to pay for his treatment and the future of his family. And where it ends marks the conclusion of one of the most exciting character journeys ever put on television. Without the needed insurance or funds, White took to cooking meth with the help of an old druggie student of his - the best meth thanks to his elite science skills - and over the years became the drug lord known as Heisenberg, addicted to power as much as his customers were addicted to his signature blue meth. From the top there's only way to go and in the show's fifth and final season, poor old Walter had to pay the ultimate price for "breaking bad" as he gradually loses his family, friends and future. The series finale of Breaking Bad succeeds in every way possible, not only bidding farewell in the final episodes to all of the show's core and supporting characters (the ones still alive, anyway), but by concluding their story arcs in a way that remains faithful to series' established rules and years of character development. No threads are left hanging as Breaking Bad's grand finale ties up loose ends and clearly lays out the future for the remaining characters. It's the perfect and momentous ending to an wonderful and well-paced story, one that's a must-watch for any TV viewer.

Breaking Bad Series Finale

Episode Quality
Series Conclusion


Breaking Bad gets the exciting and well-crafted conclusion it deserves.

User Rating: 4.8 ( 1 votes)

Not many people followed Breaking Bad in its first years on air and it wasn’t until nearly halfway through the series when the media and online community picked up on AMC’s hit show starring Bryan Cranston and Aaron Paul. The story began when Walter White, a down on his luck high school science teacher, was diagnosed with cancer and needed money to pay for his treatment and the future of his family. And where it ends marks the conclusion of one of the most exciting character journeys ever put on television.


BlackBerry, What’s Happening?!

BlackBerry, What’s Happening?!

It’s a never-ending spiral of doom and gloom for BlackBerry, formally Research In Motion, one of Canada’s largest tech companies. The sad reality is that with each wave of layoffs and announced financial losses, the smartphone company becomes a less appealing place for the smartest in the industry to apply to and it becomes a less appealing brand of devices for consumers to purchase. Is it all over?


Fast & Furious Forever

Fast & Furious Forever

Re-watched Fast & Furious 6 on the flight from New York to London and while most of the intro segments for each of the returning characters were held down with some of the worst writing of the year, it’s still enjoyable.


Voyager 1: Boldly Going Where No Human Object Has Gone Before

Voyager 1: Boldly Going Where No Human Object Has Gone Before

It’s taken 36 years but the people of Earth can finally celebrate the first-ever human-made object leaving our solar system and entering that mysterious dark space between stars. NASA launched the Voyager 1 back in 1977 and according to researchers, the spacecraft is officially in interstellar space.

What’s most impressive about the feat in human science and space exploration is the fact that the Voyager is still operational and still reporting in, even after finishing its primary mission in 1989.


Just Happy To Be

Just Happy To Be

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nam cursus. Morbi ut mi. Nullam enim leo, egestas id, condimentum at, laoreet mattis, massa. Sed eleifend nonummy diam. Praesent mauris ante, elementum et, bibendum at, posuere sit amet, nibh. Duis tincidunt lectus quis dui viverra vestibulum. Suspendisse vulputate aliquam dui. Nulla elementum dui ut augue. Aliquam vehicula mi at mauris. Maecenas placerat, nisl at consequat rhoncus, sem nunc gravida justo, quis eleifend arcu velit quis lacus. Morbi magna magna, tincidunt a, mattis non, imperdiet vitae, tellus. Sed odio est, auctor ac, sollicitudin in, consequat vitae, orci. Fusce id felis. Vivamus sollicitudin metus eget eros.

Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. In posuere felis nec tortor. Pellentesque faucibus. Ut accumsan ultricies elit. Maecenas at justo id velit placerat molestie. Donec dictum lectus non odio. Cras a ante vitae enim iaculis aliquam. Mauris nunc quam, venenatis nec, euismod sit amet, egestas placerat, est. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Cras id elit. Integer quis urna. Ut ante enim, dapibus malesuada, fringilla eu, condimentum quis, tellus. Aenean porttitor eros vel dolor. Donec convallis pede venenatis nibh. Duis quam. Nam eget lacus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Quisque dignissim congue leo.

Mauris vel lacus vitae felis vestibulum volutpat. Etiam est nunc, venenatis in, tristique eu, imperdiet ac, nisl. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. In iaculis facilisis massa. Etiam eu urna. Sed porta. Suspendisse quam leo, molestie sed, luctus quis, feugiat in, pede. Fusce tellus. Sed metus augue, convallis et, vehicula ut, pulvinar eu, ante. Integer orci tellus, tristique vitae, consequat nec, porta vel, lectus. Nulla sit amet diam. Duis non nunc. Nulla rhoncus dictum metus. Curabitur tristique mi condimentum orci. Phasellus pellentesque aliquam enim. Proin dui lectus, cursus eu, mattis laoreet, viverra sit amet, quam. Curabitur vel dolor ultrices ipsum dictum tristique. Praesent vitae lacus. Ut velit enim, vestibulum non, fermentum nec, hendrerit quis, leo. Pellentesque rutrum malesuada neque.

Nunc tempus felis vitae urna. Vivamus porttitor, neque at volutpat rutrum, purus nisi eleifend libero, a tempus libero lectus feugiat felis. Morbi diam mauris, viverra in, gravida eu, mattis in, ante. Morbi eget arcu. Morbi porta, libero id ullamcorper nonummy, nibh ligula pulvinar metus, eget consectetuer augue nisi quis lacus. Ut ac mi quis lacus mollis aliquam. Curabitur iaculis tempus eros. Curabitur vel mi sit amet magna malesuada ultrices. Ut nisi erat, fermentum vel, congue id, euismod in, elit. Fusce ultricies, orci ac feugiat suscipit, leo massa sodales velit, et scelerisque mi tortor at ipsum. Proin orci odio, commodo ac, gravida non, tristique vel, tellus. Pellentesque nibh libero, ultricies eu, sagittis non, mollis sed, justo. Praesent metus ipsum, pulvinar pulvinar, porta id, fringilla at, est.

Phasellus felis dolor, scelerisque a, tempus eget, lobortis id, libero. Donec scelerisque leo ac risus. Praesent sit amet est. In dictum, dolor eu dictum porttitor, enim felis viverra mi, eget luctus massa purus quis odio. Etiam nulla massa, pharetra facilisis, volutpat in, imperdiet sit amet, sem. Aliquam nec erat at purus cursus interdum. Vestibulum ligula augue, bibendum accumsan, vestibulum ut, commodo a, mi. Morbi ornare gravida elit. Integer congue, augue et malesuada iaculis, ipsum dui aliquet felis, at cursus magna nisl nec elit. Donec iaculis diam a nisi accumsan viverra. Duis sed tellus et tortor vestibulum gravida. Praesent elementum elit at tellus. Curabitur metus ipsum, luctus eu, malesuada ut, tincidunt sed, diam. Donec quis mi sed magna hendrerit accumsan. Suspendisse risus nibh, ultricies eu, volutpat non, condimentum hendrerit, augue. Etiam eleifend, metus vitae adipiscing semper, mauris ipsum iaculis elit, congue gravida elit mi egestas orci. Curabitur pede.

Maecenas aliquet velit vel turpis. Mauris neque metus, malesuada nec, ultricies sit amet, porttitor mattis, enim. In massa libero, interdum nec, interdum vel, blandit sed, nulla. In ullamcorper, est eget tempor cursus, neque mi consectetuer mi, a ultricies massa est sed nisl. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos hymenaeos. Proin nulla arcu, nonummy luctus, dictum eget, fermentum et, lorem. Nunc porta convallis pede.